Home Africa Ewaka
MiaMore Foundation is in Collaboration with Testimony Africa created a Social Center to provide a safe and secure environment for vulnerable children in Africa. Most of these children were living on the street, orphans or runaways from harsh living conditions at home or are civil war displaced victims. This space equipped with Art & Dance Studios provides the children an opportunity to interact and express themselves. It has since evolved into a Children’s Home with the need for living accommodations. A comfortable place to stay, receive a meal and access to basic necessities & medical care. Home Africa Ewaka goes beyond just meeting physical needs, as we strive to support these children with psychosocial support to help them heal from past traumatic experiences. They are provided with emotional support as we empower their young hearts to develop a sense of belonging. Giving them opportunities through education & skills training, shaping their young minds to thrive and build self confidence. With your help we continue to build out accommodations, provide basic necessities & expand our Social Center to include a Music Studio with instruments, sound and audio equipment, indoor & outdoor activities & equipment, books & games to give all the children an opportunity to find their talents and explore interests.
The next goal is to build out our Skills Center to have training workshops and classes in Baking, Cooking, Crafts, Hair Styling, Tailoring, Soap Making, Technology & Computer Skills for the children and single mothers in local communities. Lastly, Agricultural Education through building a sustainable garden using recycled materials will provide food, ingredients for cooking classes, & give our children the most important responsibility of the future! They are our agents of change and environmental heroes taking Climate Action!
Home Africa Ewaka’s Social Center, Skills Training & Agricultural Education work hand in hand in developing a Happy, healthy, & sustainable community! Children can learn to express their emotions, reduce anxiety, develop talents, and build confidence to be self sufficient individuals that will contribute positively in their community. This is the recipe to breaking the cycle of poverty!