Ewaka Living Necessities

Ewaka Living Necessities

Basic necessities such as Food, Basics: toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, and lotion, Menstrual Hygiene Products, & Medical Care are essential for the orphans in our care. These items are necessary to maintain basic hygiene and health, and they are crucial to the children’s overall wellbeing.

The aim of our Basic Necessities Campaign is to secure monthly support to meet the nutritional requirements of the children under our care. While we work towards the development of an on-site garden project that will provide a sustainable solution to their nutritional needs, we need your help to bridge the gap during this crucial period.

Food Fund: you will make a direct impact on the lives of these orphans, ensuring they have access to nourishing meals that promote their growth and development. Your support will enable us to provide a balanced and varied diet that meets their nutritional requirements, ensuring their physical well-being. With your generous contributions, we can make a difference and ensure that no child under our care goes hungry and that they receive the nourishment they need to thrive.Your support will also empower us to continue working towards our on-site garden project. This sustainable solution will not only provide fresh and organic produce for the children but also impart valuable skills and knowledge about agriculture and nutrition.

Basics: Toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, and lotion are all basic hygiene necessities that are essential for maintaining cleanliness. These items help prevent the spread of germs and disease, and they also promote good hygiene habits that will benefit the children throughout their lives.

Menstrual Hygiene Products: Period poverty is a significant issue in Africa, where many girls and women lack access to menstrual products due to poverty and social stigma. This can lead to missed school and work days, as well as health problems. Studies have shown that 1 in 5 girls miss school due to lack of menstrual products, which not only results in a lack of access to products but also inadequate access to toilets and handwashing facilities.

Feminine hygiene products are essential for the young ladies at our orphanage because they help them manage their menstrual cycles with dignity and comfort. Without these products, the girls may be forced to use unsanitary materials such as rags or leaves, which can lead to infections and other health problems. Access to menstrual products also helps ensure that the girls are able to attend school regularly, as missing school due to menstruation is a common problem in many parts of the world.

The expense of feminine hygiene products can also contribute to period poverty, as many girls and women cannot afford to purchase these products. This is particularly true in low-income communities where access to menstrual products is limited. The stigma surrounding menstruation can also contribute to period poverty, as it can lead to shame and embarrassment for girls and women who are experiencing their menstrual cycles.

Addressing period poverty requires a multifaceted approach that includes education, advocacy, and increased access to affordable, sustainable menstrual products. By providing feminine hygiene products to the young ladies in our care, we are helping to address this issue and ensure that they are able to manage their menstrual cycles with dignity and comfort, and attend school regularly.

Medical Fund: Keeping a fund for regular checkups, emergency care for our children & Medical care kits on-hand essential for ensuring that the children receive prompt medical attention when needed, which can help prevent more serious health problems from developing. (Our care kits include items such as bandages, antiseptic cream, and pain relievers, which are necessary for treating minor injuries and illnesses.)
Without these basic necessities, the children in our care would be at risk of developing health problems and experiencing discomfort and distress due to lack of nutrition and poor hygiene. By providing these items, we can ensure that the children’s basic needs are met, and we can help promote their health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life.Basic necessities such as Food, Basics: toilet paper, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, and lotion, Menstrual Hygiene Products, & Medical Care are essential for the orphans in our care. These items are necessary to maintain basic hygiene and health, and they are crucial to the children’s overall wellbeing.